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Biografi Thābit ibn Qurra

Thābit ibn Qurra

·         Born : 210-211 AH/ 826 AD, HarranSyriaBilad al-Sham (now in Şanlıurfa ProvinceTurkey)
·         Died : Wednesday, 26 Safar, 288 AH / February 18, 901 AD, Baghdad (now Iraq)
·         Influences : Banu MusaArchimedesApolloniusNicomachusEuclid
·         Era : Islamic Golden Age
·         Main : MathematicsMechanics.

Notable : Early reformer of the Ptolemaic
ideas : A founder of statics Length of the sidereal year
Influenced : Al-Khazini, Al-Isfizari, Na'im ibn Musa

Al-Ṣābiʾ Thābit ibn Qurrah al-Ḥarrānī (Arabic: ثابت بن قره, Latin: Thebit/Thebith/Tebit; 826 – February 18, 901) was a Arab Sabian mathematician, physician, astronomer, and translator who lived in Baghdad in the second half of the ninth century during the time of Abbasid Caliphate.
Thābit ibn Qurrah made important discoveries in algebra, geometry, and astronomy. In astronomy, Thābit is considered one of the first reformers of the Ptolemaic system, and in mechanics he was a founder of statics.


Al-Jazira region and its subdivisions (Diyar Bakr, Diyar Mudar, and Diyar Rabi'a) during the Abbasid Caliphate.

Thābit was born in Harran in Upper Mesopotamia, which at the time was part of the Diyar Mudar subdivision of the al-Jazira region of the Abbasid Caliphate. The city of Harran was never fully Christianized. By the early Muslim conquests, the people of Harran were still adhering to the cult of Sin.

Thābit and his pupils lived in the midst of the most intellectually vibrant, and probably the largest, city of the time, Baghdad. He occupied himself with mathematics, astronomy, astrology, magic, mechanics, medicine, and philosophy. Later in his life, Thābit's patron was the Abbasid Caliph al-Mu'tadid (reigned 892–902). Thābit became the Caliph's personal friend and courtier. Thābit died in Baghdad.


The medieval theory of the trepidation of the equinoxes is often attributed to Thābit. But it had already been described by Theon of Alexandria in his comments of the Handy Tables of Ptolemy. According to Copernicus, Thābit determined the length of the sidereal year as 365 days, 6 hours, 9 minutes and 12 seconds (an error of 2 seconds). Copernicus based his claim on the Latin text attributed to Thābit. Thābit published his observations of the Sun.


He is known for having calculated the solution to a chessboard problem involving an exponential series.In mathematics, Thābit discovered an equation for determining amicable numbers. He also wrote on the theory of numbers, and extended their use to describe the ratios between geometrical quantities, a step which the Greeks did not take.
He computed the volume of the paraboloid.
He also described a generalization of Pythagoras' theorem.


In physics, Thābit rejected the Peripatetic and Aristotelian notions of a "natural place" for each element. He instead proposed a theory of motion in which both the upward and downward motions are caused by weight, and that the order of the universe is a result of two competing attractions (jadhb): one of these being "between the sublunar and celestial elements", and the other being "between all parts of each element separately". and in mechanics he was a founder of statics.


Only a few of Thābit's works are preserved in their original form.
·         On the Sector-Figure which deals with Menelaus' theorem.
·         On the Composition of Ratios.


·         Thabit number
·         Thebit

Labels: Mathematician

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