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Biografi Nizam al-Din Nishapuri

Nizam al-Din Hasan al-Nisaburi (d. 1328/9) (in Persian: نظام الدین حسن نیشاپوری) was a Persian mathematician, astronomer, jurist, exegete, and poet.
His full name was Nizam al-Din Hasan ibn Mohammad ibn Hossein Qumi Nishapuri. As the genealogy in his full name shows, his grandfather was originally from the city of Qum but Nizam was born in Nishapur.

His early education was in the city of Nishapur but he later moved to Tabriz, the capital of Il-Khanids at the time. He studied under and worked with Qutb al-Din Shirazi, who was himself a student of Nasir al-Din Tusi. He was one of the great scientists of Maragheh observatory.


Nizam al-Din Nisaburi's works include:

1.     Tafsir al-Gharaeb al-Quran (تفسیر الغرائب القران): Commentary on the wonders of Quran in exegesis, also known an Tasfir Nishabpuri.
2.     Owqaf al-Quran (اوقاف القران)
3.      Kashf-i Haqayeq-i Zij-i ilkhani (کشف حقایق زیج ایلخانی): (Explanation of the Facts): on the explanation of Zij-i Ilkhani by Nasir al-Din Tusi, written in Persian
4.     Tafsir al-Tahrir (تفسیر التحریر): (Commentary on al-Tahrir): his commentary on al-Tahrir Almagest by Nasir al-Din Tusi
5.     al-Basaer fi mukhtasar tanqih al-Manazer (البصائر فی مختصر تنقیح المناظر): enlightening of the topics in al-Manazer by Ibn Haytham
6.     Twozih al-Dhekr (توضیح الذکر): a commentary on the Tadhkara fi ilm al-hay'a (تذکرة فی علم الهیاة Compendium on the Science of Astronomy) by Nasir al-Din Tusi
7.     Nizam's Sharh on al-Shafia by Ibn Hajib (شرح نظام بر الشافیه)
8.     A treatise on mathematics

Labels: Mathematician

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