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The square root of a number is the nonnegative number whose square is the root. For example 3 is the square root of 9 because 32 = 9.




It may seem that negative numbers could be square roots. It is true that (–3)2 = 9. But √9 is the symbol for the nonnegative number whose square is 9. Sometimes we say that 3 is the principal square root of 9. When we speak of an even root, we mean the nonnegative root. In general, if bn = a. There is no problem with odd roots being

negative numbers:

because (–4)3 =  (–4)(–4)(–4):

If n is even, b is assumed to be the nonnegative root. Also even roots of negative numbers do not exist in the real number system. In this book, it is assumed that even roots will be taken only of nonnegative numbers. For instance in x, it is assumed that x is not negative.


Root properties are similar to exponent properties.


Property 1  


We can take the product then the root or take the individual roots then the product.





Property 1 only applies to multiplication. There is no similar property for addition (nor subtraction). A common mistake is to ‘‘simplify’’ the sum of two squares. For example

 is incorrect. The following example should give you an idea of why these two expressions are not equal. If there were the property, then we would have


This could only be true if 102 = 58.


Property 2           


We can take the quotient then the root or the individual roots then the quotient.





Property 3           (Remember that if n is even, then a must not be negative.)


We can take the root then the power or the power then take the root.


Property 4          


Property 4 can be thought of as a root-power cancellation law.







Labels: Mathematician

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