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Differential Calculus - Applications of Derivative

Applications of Derivative


Function: f, g, y

Position of an object: s

Velocity: v

Acceleration: w

Independent variable: x

Time: t

Natural number: n



  • Velocity and Acceleration

   s = f (t) is the position of an object relative to a fixed coordinate system

   at a time t, v =   s’ = f’ (t) is the instantaneous velocity of the object, 

   w = v’ = s’’ = f’’ (t) is the instantaneous acceleration of the object.


  • Tangent Line

   y – y0 = f’ (x0)(x – x0)





  • Normal Line


  • Increasing and Decreasing Function.

   If  f’ (x0) > 0, then f (x) is increasing at x0. (Figure 1, x < x1,  x2 < x),

   If  f’ (x0) < 0, then f (x) is decreasing at x0. (Figure 1, x1 < x1 < x2),

   If  f’ (x0) does npt exist or is zero, then the test falis.




  • Local extrema

   A function f (x) has a local maximum at x1 if and only if there exists 

  some interval containing x1 such that f (x1) f (x) for all x in the interval 

  (Figure 2).


  A function f (x) has a local minimum at x2 if and only if there exists some 

  interval containing x2 such that f (x2) f (x) for all x in the interval 

  (Figure 2).


  • Critical Points

   A critical point on f (x) occurs at x0 if and only if either f’ (x0) is zero or 

   the derivation doesn’s exist.


  • First Derivative Test for Local Extrema.

   If f (x) is increasing (f’ (x) > 0) for all x in some interval (a, x1] and f (x

   is decreasing (f’ (x) < 0) for all x in some interval [x1, b), then f (x) has a 

   local maximum at x1 (Figure 2)


  • If f (x) derivative (f’ (x) < 0) for all x in some increasing (a, x2] and f (x) is increasing (f’ (x) > 0) for all x in some interval [x2, b), then f (x) has a local minimum at x2 (Figure 2)


  • Second Derivative Test for Local Extrema.

   If f’ (x1) = 0 and f’’ (x1) < 0), then f (x) has a local maximum at x1.  

   If f’ (x2) = 0 and f’’ (x2) > 0), then f (x) has a local minimum at x2.  

   (Figure 2)


  • Concavity.

   f (x) is concave upward at x0 if and only if f’ (x) is increasing at x0

  (Figure 2, x3 < x)

   f (x) is concave downward at x0 if and only if f’ (x) is decreasing at x0

   (Figure 2, x3 < x)


  • Second Derivative Test for Concavity.

   If f’’ (x0) > 0, then f (x) is concave upward at x0.

   If f’’ (x0) < 0, then f (x) is concave downward at x0.

   If f’’ (x0) does not exist or is zero, then the test fails.


  • Inflection Points

   If f’ (x3) exists and f’’ (x) changes sign at x = x3 , then the point (x3, f (x3)) 

   is an inflection point of the graph of f (x). If f’’ (x3) exists at the inflection 

   point, then f’’ (x3) = 0. (Figure 2)


  • L’Hopital’s Rule


Labels: Mathematician

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