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Differential Calculus - Multivariable Functions

Multivariable Functions


Functions of two variables: z(x, y), f(x, y), g(x, y), h(x, y)

Arguments: x, y, t

Small changes in x, y, z, respectively: Δx, Δy, Δz.


  • First Order Partial Derivatives

   The partial derivative with respect to x

   The partial derivative with respect to y

  • Seconds Order Partial Derivativ

  • Chain Rules

   If f (x, y) = g (h, (x, y)) (g is a function of one 

   variable h),   then

   If h (t) = f (x(t), y (t)), then 

   If z = f (x(u, v), y (u, v)), then

  • Small Changes


  • Local Maxima and Minima

   f (x, y) has a local maximum at (x0, y0) if 

   f (x, y) ≤ f (x0y0for all (x, y) sufficiently close 

   to (x0, y0).


   f (x, y) has a local minimum at (x0, y0) if 

   f (x, y) ≥ f (x0, y0 for all (x, y) sufficiently close 

   to (x0, y0).


  • Stationary Points


   Local maximum and local minimum occur at station 



  • Saddle Point

   A stationary point which is neither a local maximum 

   nor a local minimum.


  • Second Derivative Test for Stationary Points

   Let (x0, y0) be a stationary point.

   If D > 0, fxx (x0, y0) > 0, (x0, y0) is a point of local 


   If D < 0, fxx (x0, y0) < 0, (x0, y0) is a point of local 


   If D = 0, the test fails.


  • Tangent Plane

   The equation of the tangent plane to the surface 

   z = f (x, y) at (x0, y0, z0) is

   z – z0 = fx (x0, y0) (x – x0) + fy (x0, y0) (y – y0).


  • Normal to Surface

   The equation of the normal to the surface z = f (x, y

   at (x0, y0, z0) is

Labels: Mathematician

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