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Integral Calculus - Double Integral

Double Integral


Functions of two variables: f(x, y), f(u, v), …

Double integrals:

Riemann sum:

Small changes: Δxi, Δyi

Regions of integration: R, S

Polar coordinates: r, θ

Area: A

Surface area: S

Volume of a solid: V

Mass of a lamina: m

Density: ρ(x, y)

First moments of inertia: Ix, Iy, I0

Charge of a plate: Q

Charge density: σ(x, y)

Coordinates of center of mass:

Average of a function: μ


  • Definition of Double Integral

  The double integral over a rectangle [a, b] × [c, d

  is defined to be


  Where (xi - 1, xi) × (yj- 1, yj), and Δxi = xixi – 1

  Δyj = yj yj – 1.




     The double integral over a gereral region R is


     Where rectangle [a, b] × [c, d] contains R,

     g(x, y) = f(x, y) if f(x, y) is in R and g(x, y) = 0 









Labels: Mathematician

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