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Graphing Linear Relations

The relation at the right is a solution set for the equation y = x + 2. If you graph the relation, the points lie on a straight line, and the graph of the line includes all possible solutions of the equation of the graph.


The line contains an infinite number of points. The ordered pair for every point on the line is a solution of the equation y = x + 2. An equation whose graph is a straight line is called a linear equation.

Linear equations can contain one or two variables. However, not all equations in one or two variables are linear equations.

Linear equations                    Nonlinear equations

3x + 4y = 6                               2x + 4y = 3z2

y = –2                                       2x + 2xy = 3

8b = –2a – 5                            2x2 = 7



Determine whether each equation is a linear equation. Explain. If an equation is linear, identify A, B, and C when written in standard form.

1.     3x = 5 + y


Alternative Solutions :


First, rewrite the equation so that both variables are on the same side of the equation.

3x = 5 + y

3xy = 5         Subtract y from each side.


The equation is now in the form Ax + By + C, where A = 3, B = –1, and C = 5. Therefore, this is a linear equation.


2.     –2x + 3xy = 6


Alternative Solutions :


Since the term 3xy has two variables, the equation cannot be written in the form Ax + By = C. So, this is not a linear equation.


3.     x = –2


Alternative Solutions :


This equation can be written as x + 0y = –2. Therefore, it is a linear equation in the form Ax + By = C, where A = 1, B = 0, and C = –2.


To graph a linear equation, make a table of ordered pairs that are solutions. Graph the ordered pairs and connect the points with a line. Note that the domain of the equation and its graph includes the values of x and the range includes the values of y.



Graph each equation.

4.     y = 2x – 3

Alternative Solutions :


Select several values for the domain and make a table. Then graph the ordered pairs and connect them to draw the line.


Usually, values of x such as 0 and integers near 0 are chosen so that calculations are simple.




5.     2x + 4y = 8


Alternative Solutions :


In order to find values for y more easily, solve the equation for y.


Now make a table and draw the graph.



Sometimes, the graph of an equation is a vertical or horizontal line.



6.     Graph y = 3. Describe the graph.


Alternative Solutions :


In standard form, this equation is written as 0x + y = 3. So, for any value of x, y = 3. For example, if x = 0, y = 3; if x = 1, y = 3; if x = 3, y = 3. By graphing the ordered pairs (0, 3), (1, 3), and (3, 3), you find that the graph of y = 3 is horizontal line.


Recall that the domain of a linear function is all of the x-coordinates of the ordered pairs for points on the line. The range of a linear function is all of the y-coordinates of the ordered pairs for points on the line. Since a line extends forever in both directions, if it is not vertical and not horizontal, the domain and the range are both the set of all real numbers.




7.     Graph y = 2x.


Alternative Solutions :


Make a table and draw the graph.



Write y = 2x in standard form.

y = 2x              Original equation

          0 = 2x – y        Subtract y from each side.

  2xy = 0                Symmetric Property of Equality


In any equation where C = 0, the graph passes through the origin.



Earth Science    

8.     Old Faithful is a famous geyser. The equation y = 14x + 27 can be used to predict its eruptions, where y is the time until the next eruption (in minutes) and x is the length of the eruption (in minutes). Suppose Old Faithful erupts at 9:46 A.M. for 3.4 minutes. At about what time will the next eruption occur?


Alternative Solutions :


Explore              You need to find the time of the next eruption.


Plan                   Use the graph of y = 14x + 27 to solve the problem.


Solve                 The graph shows that if an eruption lasts 3.4 minutes,

the next eruption will occur in about 75 minutes

The next eruption should take place at 11:01 A.M.


Examine            You can verify the answer by using the equation.

 y = 14x + 27                   Original equation

 y  14(3.4) + 27            Replace x with 3.4.

 y = 74.6                          Simplify.


The answer makes sense because 74.6 minutes added to

9:46 is about 11:01.




Labels: Mathematician

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