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Study the graph of the straight line below. Notice that for each value of x, there is exactly one value of y. This type of relation is called a function.




Determine whether each relation is a function. Explain your answer.


1.     {(5, 2), (3, 5), (2, 3), (5, 1)}


Alternative Solutions :


Since each element of the domain is paired with exactly one element of the range, this relation is a function.



Alternative Solutions :


The mapping between x and y represents a function since there is only one
corresponding element in the range for each element of the domain.

It does not matter if two elements of the domain are paired with the same element in the range.




Alternative Solutions :


The graph represents a relation that is not a function. Look at the points with the ordered pairs (4, –3) and (4, 4). The member 4 in the domain is paired with both –3 and 4 in the range.


To determine whether an equation is a function, you can use the vertical line test on the graph of the equation. Consider the graph below.

To perform the test, place a pencil at the left of the graph to represent a vertical line. Move it to the right across the graph.

For each value of x, this vertical line passes through exactly one point on the graph. So, the equation is a function.



Use the vertical line test to determine whether each relation is a function.






Alternative Solutions :


The relation in Example 4 is a function since any vertical line passes through no more than one point of the graph of the relation. The graph in Example 4 is the graph of the function y = |x|. The relation in Example 5 is not a function since a vertical line can pass through more than one point. While the entire graph is not the graph of a function, it can be separated into two parts: the graph of the function y = Öx and the graph of the function y = Öx.


Equations that are functions can be written in a form called functional notation. For example, consider the equation y = 3x + 5.

  equation                      functional notation

y = 3x + 5                           f(x) = 3x + 5

In a function, x represents the elements of the domain, and f(x) represents the elements of the range. For example, f(2) is the element in the range that corresponds to the member 2 in the domain. f(2) is called the functional value of f for x = 2.


You can find f(2) as shown at the right. The ordered pair (2, 11) is a solution of the function of f.

f(x) = 3x + 5

f(2) = 3 2 + 5                Replace x with 2.

f(2) = 6 + 5 or 11



If f(x) = 2x + 3, find each value.


6.     f(4)

Alternative Solutions :


f(x) = 2x + 3

f(4) = 2(4) + 3           Replace x with 4.

  = 8 3                   Multiply.

  = 11                             Add


7.     f(6a)

Alternative Solutions :


  f(x) = 2x + 3

f(6a) = 2(6a) + 3       Replace x with 6a.

    = 12a + 3                   Multiply.


Functions are often used to solve real-life problems.



Anatomy Link


9.   Anthropologists use the length of certain bones of a human skeleton to estimate the height of the living person. One of these bones is the femur, which extends from the hip to the knee. To estimate the height in centimeters of a female with a femur of length x, the function h(x) = 61.41 + 2.32x can be used. What was the height of a female whose femur measures 46 centimeters?

Alternative Solutions :


  h(x) = 61.41 + 2.32x                   Original equation

h(46) = 61.41 + 2.32(46)              Replace x with 46.

               = 168.13                              Simplify.


The woman was about 168 centimeters tall.




Labels: Mathematician

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