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Sets and Functions - Sets

Definition. A set is a collection of objects. We call the objects, elements. A set is denoted by listing the elements between braces. For example: {e, ı, π, 1} is the set of the integer 1, the pure imaginary number ı = √−1 and the transcendental numbers e = 2.7182818... and π = 3.1415926.... For elements of a set, we do not count multiplicities. We regard the set {1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3} as identical to the set {1, 2, 3}. Order is not significant in sets. The set {1, 2, 3} is equivalent to {3, 2, 1}.

In enumerating the elements of a set, we use ellipses to indicate patterns. We denote the set of positive integers as {1, 2, 3...}. We also denote sets with the notation {x | conditions on x} for sets that are more easily described than enumerated. This is read as “the set of elements x such that ...”. x S is the notation for “x is an element of the set S.” To express the opposite we have x S for “x is not an element of the set S.”

Examples. We have notations for denoting some of the commonly encountered sets.

  • = {} is the empty set, the set containing no elements.
  • Z = {...,−3,−2,−1,0,1,2,3...} is the set of integers. (Z is for “Zahlen”, the German word for “number”.).
  • Q = {p/q|p, q Z, q ≠ 0} is the set of rational numbers. (Q is for quotient). (1 Note that with this description, we enumerate each rational number an infinite number of times. For example: 1/2 = 2/4 = 3/6 = (1)/(2) = · · · . This does not pose a problem as we do not count multiplicities.)
  • R = {x|x = a1a2···an.b1b2···} is the set of real numbers, i.e. the set of numbers with decimal expansions. (2 Guess what R is for.)
  • C = {a + ıb|a,b R,ı2 = −1} is the set of complex numbers. ı is the square root of −1. (If you haven’t seen complex numbers before, don’t dismay. We’ll cover them later.)
  • Z+, Q+ and R+ are the sets of positive integers, rationals and reals, respectively. For example, Z+ = {1, 2, 3,...}. We use a − superscript to denote the sets of negative numbers.
  • Z0+, Q0+ and R0+ are the sets of non-negative integers, rationals and reals, respectively. For example, Z0+ = {0, 1, 2,...}.
  • (a...b) denotes an open interval on the real axis. (a...b) ≡{x|x R, a < x < b}
  • We use brackets to denote the closed interval. [a..b] ≡{x|x R, axb}

The cardinality or order of a set S is denoted |S|. For finite sets, the cardinality is the number of elements in the set. The Cartesian product of two sets is the set of ordered pairs:

X × Y ≡ {(x, y)|x X, y Y}.

The Cartesian product of n sets is the set of ordered n-tuples:

X1 × X2 ×···× Xn ≡ {(x1, x2,...,xn)|x1 X1, x2 X2,...,xn Xn}.

Equality. Two sets S and T are equal if each element of S is an element of T and vice versa. This is denoted, S = T. Inequality is S T, of course. S is a subset of T, S T, if every element of S is an element of T. S is a proper subset of T, S T, if S T and ST. For example: The empty set is a subset of every set, ∅⊆ S. The rational numbers are a proper subset of the real numbers, Q R.

Operations. The union of two sets, S T, is the set whose elements are in either of the two sets. The union of n sets,

is the set whose elements are in any of the sets Sj. The intersection of two sets, ST, is the set whose elements are in both of the two sets. In other words, the intersection of two sets in the set of elements that the two sets have in common. The intersection of n sets,

is the set whose elements are in all of the sets Sj. If two sets have no elements in common, S ∩ T = , then the sets are disjoint. If T S, then the difference between S and T, S \T, is the set of elements in S which are not in T.

S \ T ≡ {x|x S, x T}

The difference of sets is also denoted S − T.


The following properties are easily verified from the above definitions.
  • S = S, S ∩ = , S \ = S, S \S = .
  • Commutative. S T = T S, ST = TS.
  • Associative. (S T) U = S (T U) = S T U, (ST) ∩ U = S ∩ (TU) = STU.
  • Distributive. S (TU) = (S T) ∩ (S U), S ∩ (T U) = (ST) (SU).

Labels: Mathematician

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