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A decimal number is a fraction in disguise:andor. The number in front of the decimal point is the whole number (if there is one) and the number behind the decimal point is the numerator of a fraction whose denominator is a power of ten. The denominator will consist of 1 followed by one or more zeros. The number of zeros is the same as the number of digits behind the decimal point.





Rewrite as a fraction. If the decimal number is more than 1, rewrite the number both as a mixed number and as an improper fraction.

1.     1.71 =

2.     34.598 =

3.     0.6 =

4.     0.289421 =





There are two types of decimal numbers, terminating and nonterminating. The above examples and practice problems are terminating decimal numbers. A nonterminating decimal number has infinitely many nonzero digits following the decimal point. For example, 0.333333333 . . . is a nonterminating decimal number. Some nonterminating decimal numbers represent fractions—0.333333333 . . . = 1/3. But some nonterminating decimals, like π = 3.1415926654 . . . and 2 = 3.1414213562 . . ., do not represent fractions. We will be concerned mostly with terminating decimal numbers in this book.


You can add as many zeros at the end of a terminating decimal number as you want because the extra zeros cancel away.





Labels: Mathematician

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