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Percent of Chang

In 1990, the average cost of one dozen large eggs was $1.00. By 2000, the cost had decreased to $0.96. The decrease in the cost of goods and services is called deflation. Source: Statistical Abstract of the United States

To find the deflation rate, write a ratio that compares the amount of the decrease to the original price.

               amount of decrease:       $1.00  $0.96 $0.04 or 4¢

     original price:                $1.00 or 100¢



So, the cost of one dozen eggs decreased 4% from 1990 to 2000.


When an increase or decrease is expressed as a percent, the percent is called the percent of increase or the percent of decrease. The earlier amount is always used as the base in the percent equation.




Find the percent of increase or decrease. Round to the nearest percent.

1.     original: 25

new: 29

Alternative Solutions : 

Find the amount of increase.

29 – 25 = 4


2.     original: 18

new: 12


Alternative Solutions :

Find the amount of decrease.

18 – 12 = 6


Use the percent proportion.


Two applications of percent of change are sales tax and discounts. Sales tax is a tax that is added to the cost of the item. It is an example of a percent of increase. Discount is the amount by which the regular price of an item is reduced. It is an example of a percent of decrease.


Sales Link


3.  Ms. Cruz bought a car for $12,500. A state sales tax of 4% is then added to the price of the car. What was the total price?


Alternative Solutions :

Method 1

First, use the percent equation to find the sales tax.

P = RB

    = 0.04(12,500)

    = 500


Then, add the $500 sales tax to $12,500.

12,500 + 500 = 13,000


The total price was $13,000.


Method 2

A sales tax of 4% means that Ms. Cruz will pay 100% + 4% or 104% of the price of the car.


Use the percent equation to find the total price.


P = RB

    = 1.04(12,500)

    = 13,000


4. All shoes at The Runner’s Place are on sale at a 25% discount. If a pair of running shoes originally cost $65, what is the sale price?

Alternative Solutions :


Method 1

First, use the percent equation to find the discount.

P = RB            Percent equation

    = 0.25(65)   R = 0.25, B = 65

    = 16.25        Multiply.


Then, subtract the $16.25 discount from $65.

65 – 16.25 = 48.75


Method 2

A discount of 25% means that the buyer will pay 100%  25% or 75% of the selling price. Use the percent equation to find the sale price.

P = RB            Percent equation

    = 0.75(65)   R = 0.75, B = 65

    = 48.75        Multiply.


The sale price of the running shoes is $48.75.


Percent of change is often used to describe how data change from one year to another. Sometimes the percent of increase is greater than 100%.



Statistics Link


5.  The graph shows on-line music sales for 2001 and projected sales for 2006. To the nearest percent, find the percent of increase.


Alternative Solutions :

The amount of increase is 5500 – 900 or 4600.



On-line music sales are expected to increase by about 511% from 2001 to 2006.




Labels: Mathematician

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