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The Percent Proportion

Quantities are often expressed as percents. A percent is a ratio that compares a number to 100. Percent also means per hundred or hundredths. For example, a 5% glucose solution contains 5 grams of glucose in 100 milliliters of solution.

You can express a fraction or a ratio as a percent by using a proportion in which one denominator is 100.



Express each fraction or ratio as a percent.


1.     of the circle is shaded.


Alternative Solutions :


          r is the percent.

     2(100) = 5r         Find the cross products.

     200 = 5r              Multiply 2 and 10

         Divide each side by 5.

     40 = r                  Simplify


2.  A study found that 3 out of 8 people switch channels when a commercial is on television.                  Source: American Demographics


Alternative Solutions :


          Write a proportion.

     3(100) = 8r         Find the cross products.

     300 = 8r              Multiply 3 and 100

        Divide each side by 8.

     37.5 = r               37.5% of people switch channels.


In Example 1, the number of parts shaded, 2, is called the percentage (P). It is being compared to the total number of parts, 5, which is called the base (B).

This is an example of a percent proportion.




3.     Forty is what percent of 160?


Alternative Solutions :


                   Use the percent proportion. 

                                          Write   “what percent” as .

                 Replace P with 40 and B with 160.

    40(100) = 160r              Find the cross products.

    4000 = 160r                   Multiply 40 and 100

             Divide each side by 8.

     25 = r                            Simplify.


So, 40 is 25% of 160.


4.     50% of what number is 42.5?


Alternative Solutions :


                   Use the percent proportion.

                                          Write “what percent” as.

               Replace P with 42.5 and r with 50.

    42.5(100) = 50B            Find the cross products.

    4250 = 50B                    Multiply 425 and 100.

              Divide each side by 50.

     85 = B                           Simplify.


So, 50% of 85 is 42.5.


Businesses can use a time study to determine what percent of an employee’s time is spent on various activities.



Business Link


5.   The manager of The Furniture Store conducted a time study of the employees in its warehouse. The chart at the right shows the average number of hours spent on each activity during the workday. What percent of the time do the employees spend on each activity?

 Alternative Solutions :


The employees work 3 + 4 + 1 or 8 hours each day. This is the base. To find each percent, write and solve the percent proportion for each activity.


The results are summarized in the chart.

Note that the total of the percent column is 100%.


Data are often displayed using circle graphs. A circle graph is a graph that shows the relationship between parts of the data and the whole.



Statistics Link


6.     Make a circle graph of the data in Example 5.

 Alternative Solutions :


Loading furniture accounts for 37.5% of the time. A circle is composed of 360°. To find the number of degrees for this section of the graph, find 37.5% of 360. Repeat this process for the other sections. Replace B with 360 and r with each percent.


Use a compass to draw a circle.

Then draw a radius. Use a protractor to draw a 135° angle.

You can start with any of the angles.

From the new radius, draw a 180° angle. The remaining section should be 45°. Label each section of the graph with the category and percent. Give the graph a title.




Labels: Mathematician

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