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Integral Calculus - Line Integral 1

Line Integral 1


  • Area of a Region R Bounded by the Curve C


  • Path Independence of Line Integrals

  The line integral of a vector function

  is said to be path independent, if and only if P, Q and 

  R are continuous in a domain D, and if there exits some 

  scalar function u = u (x, y, z) (a scalar potential) in D 

  such that.


  • Test for a Conservative Field

   A vector field of the formis called a 

   conservative field. The line integral of a vector 

   function is path independent if 

   and only if


   If the line is taken in xy-plane so that


   Then the test for determining if a vector field is 

   conservative can be written in the form 


  • Length of a Curve


   where C is a piecewise smooth curve described by 

   the position vector, α ≤ t β.


  If the curve C is two-dimensional, then


  If the curve C is the graph of a function y = f(x

  in the xy-plane (α ≤ x β), then


  • Length of a Curve in Polar Coordinates


  where the curve C is given by the equation r = r(θ), 

  α ≤ θ β in polar coordinates.


  • Mass of a Wire


  where ρ(x, y, z) is the mass per unit length of the wire. 

  If C is a curve parametrized by the vector function

 , then the mass can be computed by 
     the formula.


If C is a curve in xy-plane, then the mass of the wire is given by


  • Center of Mass of a Wire


  • Moments of Inertia

  The moments of inertia about the x-axis, y-axis, 

  and z-axis are given by the formulas,



Labels: Mathematician

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