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Integral Calculus - Surface Integral

Surface Integral



Scalar functions: f(x, y, z), z(x, y)

Position vectors:

Unit vectors:

Surface: S

Vector field:

Divergence of a vector field:

Curl of a vector field:

Vector element of a surface:

Normal to surface:

Surface area: A

Mass of a surface: m

Density: μ(x, y, z)

Coordinates of center of mass:

First moments of inertia: Mxy, Myz, Mxz

Moments of inertia: Ixy, Iyz, Ixz, Ix, Iy, Iz

Volume of a solid: V


Gravitational constant: G

Fluid velocity:

Fluid density: ρ


Mass flux, electri flux: Φ

Surface charge: Q

Charge density: σ(x, y

Magnitude of the electric field:


  • Surface Integral of a Scalar Function

   Let surface S be given by the position vector


   where (u, v) ranges over some domain D(u, v) of the 


   The surface integral of a scalar function f(x, y, z) over 

   the surface S is defined as


   where the partial derivativesandare 

   given by


  • If the surface S is given by the equation z = z(x, y) where z(x, y) is a differentiable function in the domain D(x, y), then



  • Surface Integral of the Vector Field  over the Surface S

   a. If S is oriented outward, then



  b. If S is oriented inward, then




is called the vector element of the surface
    Dot means the scalar product of the appropriate 
    vevtors. The partial derivativesandare 
    given by


  • If the surface S is given by the equation z = z(x, y), where z(x, y), is a differentiable function in the domain D(x, y), then

   a. If S is oriented upward, i.e, the k-th component of 

       the normal vector is positive, then




  b. If S is oriented downward, i.e, the k-th component of 

      the normal vector is negative, then




where P(x, y, z), Q(x, y, z), R(x, y, z) are the component of the vector field.

cos α, cos β , cos γ are the angles between the outter unit normal vector and the x-axis,y-axis, and z-axis, respectively.



Labels: Mathematician

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