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Vectors - The Dot and Cross Product

Dot Product. The dot product or scalar product of two vectors is defined,

a · b ≡ |a| |b| cos θ,

where θ is the angle from a to b. From this definition one can derive the following properties:

·         a · b = b · a, commutative.
·         α(a · b) = (αa) · b = a · (αb), associativity of scalar multiplication.
·         a · (b + c) = a · b + a · c, distributive. (See Exercise 2.1.)
·         eiej = δij. In three dimensions, this is

i · i = j · j = k · k = 1,                     i · j = j · k = k · i = 0.

·         a · b = aibia1b1 +···+ anbn, dot product in terms of rectangular components.
·       If a · b = 0 then either a and b are orthogonal, (perpendicular), or one of a and b are zero.

The Angle Between Two Vectors. We can use the dot product to find the angle between two vectors, a and b. From the definition of the dot product,

a · b = |a| |b| cos θ.

If the vectors are nonzero, then,

Example. What is the angle between i and i + j?

Parametric Equation of a Line. Consider a line in Rn that passes through the point a and is parallel to the vector t, (tangent). A parametric equation of the line is

x = a + ut,        u R.

Implicit Equation of a Line In 2D. Consider a line in R2 that passes through the point a and is normal, (orthogonal, perpendicular), to the vector n. All the lines that are normal to n have the property that x · n is a constant, where x is any point on the line. (See Figure 2.5.) x · n = 0 is the line that is normal to n and passes through the origin. The line that is normal to n and passes through the point a is

x · n = a · n.

The normal to a line determines an orientation of the line. The normal points in the direction that is above the line. A point b is (above/on/below) the line if (b − a)·n is (positive/zero/negative). The signed distance of a point
Figure 2.5: Equation for a line.

b from the line x · n = a · n is

Implicit Equation of a Hyperplane. A hyperplane in Rn is an n − 1 dimensional “sheet” which passes through a given point and is normal to a given direction. In R3 we call this a plane. Consider a hyperplane that passes through the point a and is normal to the vector n. All the hyperplanes that are normal to n have the property that x · n is a constant, where x is any point in the hyperplane. x · n = 0 is the hyperplane that is normal to n and passes through the origin. The hyperplane that is normal to n and passes through the point a is,

x · n = a · n.

The normal determines an orientation of the hyperplane. The normal points in the direction that is above the hyperplane. A point b is (above/on/below) the hyperplane if (b − a) · n is (positive/zero/negative). The signed distance of a point b from the hyperplane x · n = a · n is,

Right and Left-Handed Coordinate Systems. Consider a rectangular coordinate system in two dimensions. Angles are measured from the positive x axis in the direction of the positive y axis. There are two ways of labeling the axes. (See Figure 2.6.) In one the angle increases in the counterclockwise direction and in the other the angle increases in the clockwise direction. The former is the familiar Cartesian coordinate system.

Figure 2.6: There are two ways of labeling the axes in two dimensions.

There are also two ways of labeling the axes in a three-dimensional rectangular coordinate system. 

These are called right-handed and left-handed coordinate systems. See Figure 2.7. Any other labelling of the axes could be rotated into one of these configurations. The right-handed system is the one that is used by default. If you put your right thumb in the direction of the z axis in a right-handed coordinate system, then your fingers curl in the direction from the x axis to the y axis.

Cross Product. The cross product or vector product is defined,

a × b = |a| |b| sin θ n,

where θ is the angle from a to b and n is a unit vector that is orthogonal to a and b and in the direction such that the ordered triple of vectors a, b and n form a right-handed system.

Figure 2.7: Right and left handed coordinate systems.

You can visualize the direction of a × b by applying the right hand rule. Curl the fingers of your right hand in the direction from a to b. Your thumb points in the direction of a × b. Warning: Unless you are a lefty, get in the habit of putting down your pencil before applying the right hand rule.
The dot and cross products behave a little differently. First note that unlike the dot product, the cross product is not commutative. The magnitudes of a × b and b × a are the same, but their directions are opposite. (See Figure 2.8.)
a × b = |a| |b| sin θ n   and      b × a = |b| |a| sin φ m.

The angle from a to b is the same as the angle from b to a. Since {a, b, n} and {b, a, m} are right-handed systems, m points in the opposite direction as n. Since a × b = −b × a we say that the cross product is anti-commutative.
Next we note that since
|a × b| = |a| |b| sin θ,

the magnitude of a × b is the area of the parallelogram defined by the two vectors. (See Figure 2.9.) The area of the triangle defined by two vectors is then ½ |a × b|.
From the definition of the cross product, one can derive the following properties:

Figure 2.8: The cross product is anti-commutative.

                                                                a                                                        a

Figure 2.9: The parallelogram and the triangle defined by two vectors.

·         a × b = −b × a, anti-commutative.
·         α(a × b) = (αa) × b = a × (αb), associativity of scalar multiplication.
·         a × (b + c) = a × b + a × c, distributive.
·         (a × b) × c ≠ a × (b × c). The cross product is not associative.
·         i × i = j × j = k × k = 0.
·         i × j = k, j × k = i, k × i = j.

cross product in terms of rectangular components.

·         If a · b = 0 then either a and b are parallel or one of a or b is zero.

Scalar Triple Product. Consider the volume of the parallelopiped defined by three vectors. (See Figure 2.10.) The area of the base is ||b| |c| sin θ|, where θ is the angle between b and c. The height is |a| cos φ, where φ is the angle between b × c and a. Thus the volume of the parallelopiped is |a| |b| |c| sin θ cos φ.

Figure 2.10: The parallelopiped defined by three vectors.

Note that
|a · (b × c)| = |a · (|b| |c| sin θ n)|
                       = ||a| |b| |c| sin θ cos φ|.

Thus |a · (b × c)| is the volume of the parallelopiped. a · (b × c) is the volume or the negative of the volume depending on whether {a,b,c} is a right or left-handed system.

Note that parentheses are unnecessary in a · b × c. There is only one way to interpret the expression. If you did the dot product first then you would be left with the cross product of a scalar and a vector which is meaningless. a · b × c is called the scalar triple product.

Plane Defined by Three Points. Three points which are not collinear define a plane. Consider a plane that passes through the three points a, b and c. One way of expressing that the point x lies in the plane is that the vectors x − a, b − a and c − a are coplanar. (See Figure 2.11.) If the vectors are coplanar, then the parallelopiped defined by these three vectors will have zero volume. We can express this in an equation using the scalar triple product,

(x − a) · (b − a) × (c − a) = 0.

Figure 2.11: Three points define a plane.


Labels: Mathematician

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